Thomas Sewell found guilty: Judge reads from notes


Thomas Sewell was today found guilty of affray and recklessly causing injury in relation to an incident outside the Channel 9 building at 717 Bourke Street, Melbourne in March 2021.

In a statement to the Lying Press outside court, Thomas Sewell calmly stood by his testimony that he saw the security guard throat punch Jacob Hersant and he stepped in to defend him.

Sewell noted that the Prosecution witnesses all worked for Channel 9 and could be biased toward the security guard.

In court, the magistrate read a long preamble before giving his verdict, reading at times robotically from a prepared statement.

While he had refreshingly refrained from any virtue signalling during the trial, in his preamble the magistrate repeatedly denounced use of the expression “dance money, dance” with emotive terms such as ‘despicable racial taunt”, “snide racial slur” and “disgusting racial comment”.

He made at least at least five such comments. It is unclear whether he was using this to justify the guard’s actions.

He accused Sewell and Hersant of ‘itching for a fight” and of behaving in a menacing manner toward the guard.

Last Wednesday during final submissions he had agreed with the defence counsel that the Channel 9 witnesses were all mistaken regarding key aspects of their testimony, yet today he dismissed such inconsistencies as being of little consequence.

He suggested that inconsistencies in the testimony of the guard could be due to the presence of so many of Sewell’s supporters inside the court. This was odd given that members of so-called “counterterrorism” units were frequently aggressive towards Sewell’s supporters both inside and outside of court.

He concurred with the prosecution’s amazing interpretation of video footage, suggesting that the guard merely pushed Hersant on the shoulder rather than throat punched him, and he accused Hersant of reacting aggressively when he commented “don’t you f—ing touch me” rather than conceding it was an instinctual reaction.

One has to wonder, if the CCTV footage which the magistrate used to justify key elements of his verdict clearly showed a shoulder push rather than a throat punch, why was its release delayed for nearly two years?

Importantly, when asked what the endgame for EAM is by journalists outside of court, Sewell responded:

“We want a free White Australia, whether that’s big or small will depend on how many White Australians care about their race over globalism and money.”

Asked “what does that look like?” he stated:

“What Australia looked like prior to 1966.”

He will be sentenced on January 12, 2023.

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