Say you’re putting on a jobs summit to find ways to boost Australian jobs. Announce you’re going to import slave labour to take Australian jobs.
Smile for applause:
The Australian government announced on Friday it will increase its permanent immigration intake by 35,000 to 195,000 in the current fiscal year as the nation grapples with skills and labor shortages.
Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil announced the increase for the year ending June 30, 2023, during a two-day summit of 140 representatives of governments, trade unions, businesses and industry to address skills shortages exacerbated by the pandemic.
O’Neill said Australian nurses have been working double and triple shifts for the past two years, flights were being canceled because of a lack of ground staff and fruit was being left to rot on trees because there was no one to pick it.
All of this analysis is wrong. Nurses are working double and triple shifts because thousands who defy the illegal vaccine mandates are refused work, and our hospitals are overwhelmed by people suffering adverse reactions to the “vaccines”.
Ditto for ground staff, plus the stupid isolation rules.
There are thousands of Australians who would happily pick fruit, but farmers won’t employ them because they would rather import slave labour from the Pacific to do it instead.
“Our focus is always Australian jobs first, and that’s why so much of the summit has focused on training and on the participation of women and other marginalized groups,” O’Neil said.
Firstly, they’re setting us up for the “but we’re going to import more slave labour” bit. Also, when your solution to every economic problem is more women and diversity, you are always going to fail.
“But the impact of COVID has been so severe that even if we exhaust every other possibility, we will still be many thousands of workers short, at least in the short term,” she added.
Told you.
O’Neil said many of the “best and brightest minds” were choosing to migrate to Canada, Germany and Britain instead of Australia.
She described Australia’s immigration program as “fiendishly complex” with more than 70 unique visa programs.
Australia would establish a panel to rebuild its immigration program in the national interest, she said.
It is not in the national interest for Australia to increase its immigration intake, it is in the interest of government elites, crony capitalists and Cultural Marxists who hate Australia and Australians. Australians are already a minority and our replacement will only accelerate with more immigration.
This so-called “jobs summit” is anything but, it is cover, a big show put on so the government can frame The Narrative around why they are increasing mass immigration.
Intriguingly, for all the easily rebuffed nonsense propagated about the benefits of immigration at this take-our-jobs summit, a Victorian government inquiry into ordinary Australians who oppose our own replacement recently claimed that our arguments are “simplistic”:
Populist movements claim to address issues that they perceive are not being addressed by governments, such as security and the economy, but the way in which such movements seek to address these issues tends to be simplistic…
To comprehend the prevalence of far-right extremist movements in Victoria, it is important to understand how they claim to address issues of social isolation and economic insecurity by exploiting individuals’ feelings of insecurity and desire to lay blame for their personal circumstances. This may involve blaming multicultural communities, including ‘using fear of different cultures and hatred of different races as a strawman to explain economic and social deprivation’.
Projection. This argument itself is a straw man. We critique simplistic policy which seeks to import slave labour to increase economic activity so they can claim the GDP is growing. The fact is, mass immigration does nothing to reduce unemployment, it lowers wages by increasing demand for jobs and raises inflation by increasing demands for goods and services.
Wage growth in Australia has stagnated for several decades and the cost of living has increased, and mass immigration is reason number one for this. We are being replaced for no economic benefit.