The Plan to Vaccinate Every Cow in Australia


Foot and Mouth Disease is apparently on Australia’s doorstep in Bali, a popular tourist spot for Australians. Conveniently, scientists are proposing the vaccination with mRNA technology of all Australian livestock to safeguard the industry and our food supply:

There are mounting fears the highly contagious foot and mouth disease could infiltrate Australia and decimate the cattle industry.

The livestock disease, which affects pigs, cattle, sheep and goats, was detected in Indonesia in May and spread to Bali last week.

Given what appears to be a deliberate, coordinated sabotage of the food supply globally, it is reasonable to suspect that:

  • There is no foot and mouth disease threatening to enter Australia.
  • Agents of the globalists have deliberately spread foot and mouth disease in order to further disrupt our food supply.

Similar suspicions abound regarding the quarantine, lockdown and destruction of bees in the Newcastle region. Doing so not only affects honey production but the fertilisation of fruit bearing plant species.

Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt is visiting Indonesia this week to gather more information about how it’s containing the contagious disease as Australian travellers return from the holiday destination in droves.

Nationals Leader David Littleproud said Mr Watt’s first priority should be to introduce comprehensive screening at Australian airports.

“Disinfectant footbaths must be introduced immediately at airports to properly treat potentially exposed passengers,” he said.

Around 1.3 million Australians visited Bali in 2019.

NSW Deputy Premier Paul Toole said discussions with the federal government and other states had taken place about implementing stringent controls for returning holiday-makers.

He warned of the dire threat the disease posed to the cattle industry and the livelihoods of thousands of farmers across the state.

“Nobody wants to be the person who brings in a disease that would devastate our livestock industry, cost the economy $80 billion, and shatter regional communities for years to come,” he said on Wednesday.

Mr Toole said he wanted to make sure all returning travellers were screened, even if it took hours longer for passengers to disembark planes.

As with all crises, this suits multiple globalist goals, in this case the restriction of air travel to the global elite. If you can’t afford to bribe farmers in North Dakota into leaving their fields fallow to reduce their carbon emissions to offset your own private jet’s emissions during April, then you can’t afford to fly..

NSW Agriculture Minister Dugald Saunders said with 103 flights each week from Australia to Bali “foot and mouth disease is the closest it has ever been to our country”.

He said a potential vaccine was being developed using mRNA technology to tackle eight different strains of the disease.

And there’s the clincher. Purebloods who refused the Covid “vaccines” in order to avoid the untested mRNA technology face the prospect of ingesting it merely to feed ourselves.

No long term studies exist which guarantee the safety of mRNA technology. Essentially, the mudbloods conned into taking Covid “vaccines”, which have led to a spike in deaths and a drop in fertility, are the long term study.

Putting mRNA into the meat supply would virtually eliminate the control group.

Obviously, raising our own livestock in addition to growing our own food must become a priority. Keep in mind though legislation tabled by the Andrews government in Victoria, which allows “authorised officers” to enter your property and destroy all of your homegrown or home raised food on the grounds of biosecurity, without the pesky need for a warrant.

Expect these laws to be rolled out across the rest of Australia.

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