Anti-White ABC forced to apologise for racism


This is so epic, XYZ News feels compelled to provide a brief definition of the meaning of “hoisted by his own petard:

“In medieval times a petard was a bomb that invaders used to breach walls and blow doors in. To hoist suggests pulling something up, but the word used to also have another meaning, around removing or taking out. Thus the proverb means a person becoming the victim of a plot that person launches against someone else – in other words, the backfiring of something negative that one person has planned for another.”


The ABC has apologised to staff who have experienced racism or bigotry in its newsrooms, responding to reports of some staff feeling excluded and unwelcome.

A number of Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse ABC News staff detailed their experiences of racism and cultural insensitivity to an internal staff advisory group.

The staff described feeling unwelcome in their workplace, and that their ideas and contributions were not being heard in team discussions.

Some also criticised the internal complaints process, and a lack of support mechanisms for those dealing with racism at work.

The ABC’s Director of News, Analysis and Investigations, Justin Stevens, apologised to staff in an email.

“To anyone in News who has ever experienced any racism or bigotry in our workplace, current and former News employees, as Director, News I would like to express my sorrow for that and make a heartfelt apology,” he said.

“I am sorry.”

Mr Stevens said the ABC had been working for years to both improve the diversity of its staff, and change the culture across its newsrooms.

He pointed to increasing numbers of Indigenous staff members and journalists and content-makers from diverse backgrounds, but acknowledged there was more to be done.

The awkward moment when employing more aborigines to virtue-signal your anti-racism comes back to bite you on the bum. The thing is about the kinds of aborigines who are likely to go for a job at the ABC, they are the slightly aboriginal sort who have been university educated and have to include the phrase “my people” into every second sentence to reassure their listeners that they really are not White.

They are also the sorts of people for whom no slight, real or perceived, will ever roll like water off a duck’s back for them. Every single upset these people feel is contextualised into two and a half centuries of imagined grievance. If you don’t do anything to piss them off, they will still invent a reason to get angry at you and turn you into Literally Hitler.

So as stated, any openly anti-White organisation which deliberately hires anti-White, inner city, university educated slightly aboriginals guarantees for itself the accusation of systemic racism as soon as these people are allowed in.

“These things should never happen,” he said.

“The ABC will not allow or tolerate any racism in the workplace. Ever.

“Our newsrooms, teams and workplace must be respectful, inclusive and welcoming at all times of all employees.

“No-one should ever feel that they don’t belong at the ABC because of their cultural background.”

The staff-led group also detailed accounts of online abuse directed at Indigenous and diverse staff, coming from members of the public via social media and email.

Trolling works people, keep it going.

Mr Stevens thanked the broadcaster’s Indigenous and diverse staff, saying increasing the diversity of newsrooms is essential, and improves the journalism they produce.

“Every one of our colleagues who is Indigenous, from a diverse background or is a person with disability is here because they deserve to be, based on their talent, and because they have earned that place through hard work,” he said.

“ABC News does not employ people as a box ticking exercise.”

He said the quiet bit out loud. No doubt one of the diversity hires pointed out:

“You hire us so you can put our faces on the telly to show people how anti-White you are, but at the end of the day you’re still just a bunch of inner city elite wanker wipipo who only care about yourselves and you hire us to look good.”

As you can probably tell, I am enjoying this because the ABC is one of the most consistently anti-White organisations in the country, pumping out headline after headline appealing to the bigotry of its dozens of readers:

Naturally, it is happy to acknowledge that White Australians are being replaced when somebody thinks this is a good thing:

Yet if anybody suggests this is genocide and points out that we were never asked, all of a sudden it is a conspiracy theory:

The ABC’s crowning anti-White moment came in 2019 when two aborigines did some skit where one of them simulated pooing on the face of a White woman:

PooGate: Defecating on the face of a white woman complies with ABC editorial policy

The ABC should not exist. The ABC should be eradicated as an organisation, and every ABC employee should be put on trial for treason.

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