Are reports that Novak Djokovic has been vaccinated Fake News?


Novak Djokovic found himself at the centre of a months long saga in 2021 and 2022, centred around Australia’s deeply unpopular vaccine mandate. Australian Open organisers backflipped several times on whether he would be allowed to compete while unvaccinated, before giving him the go ahead less than a fortnight from the start of the tournament.

The Australian government stepped in, humiliated Novak by forcing him into immigration detention, releasing him then forcing him back in, before overruling a court decision and expelling him from Australia.

Deliberate humiliation and dehumanisation.

The Lying Press appears determined to bait as many clicks as they can from the debacle, circulating a rumour that Novak has been vaccinated so he can overtake Rafael Nadal’s new Grand Slam record:

Reports have emerged claiming Novak Djokovic’s biographer believes the tennis star is going to get vaccinated.

Author Daniel Muksch — who has written A Lifetime At War, a book chronicling the journey of the 20-time grand slam champion that comes out later this year — suggested watching Rafael Nadal win a historic 21st major is what may convince Djokovic to get the jab.

“From what I have heard from those around him, I think he is getting vaccinated,” Muksch reportedly said on Austrian TV station Servus TV.

“Maybe the final in Melbourne also contributed to that. Rafael Nadal’s 21 is driving him, no question.”

So someone who knows Novak says he has heard from other people who know Novak that he may get vaccinated because vanity. It may turn out to be true but for now, this should not even be news. It’s a rumour.

That hasn’t prevented Australia’s Health Minister, the appropriately named Greg Hunt, from reinforcing the tired old narrative:

“Look, I’m happy for anybody anywhere to be vaccinated and if in some small way as a country we have encouraged Novak or any other individual to do that then that’s great,” Mr Hunt told Sunrise.

“But you know what’s much more important? I think that will encourage more people who have been hesitant to be vaccinated and that would be the real win out of this.

“I hadn’t heard that. I’m delighted if that is the case. But to everybody, doesn’t matter where you are, whether you are overseas or in Australia, first dose, second dose, booster, everything you are eligible for, it will help protect you. Please come forward.”

They literally kept Novak Djokovic out of Australia because they’re worried about an anti-vaccine mandate revolution. Now that he is out of the country they must continue to destroy his reputation because he is still, as they themselves admitted, an “icon” for Aussie purebloods.

As events this week in Canberra have demonstrated, it won’t save them.

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