Get your hands off our kids: Hundreds of thousands of Aussies march against Vaccine Mandate


For two years Australian governments got away with locking people in their houses, forcing people to wear masks, restricting how far we could travel, and manipulating people into snitching on their neighbours to the Stasi.

Millions of people willingly injected poison, three times, and millions more allowed themselves to be coerced into doing so.

And governments got away with it.

Naturally, they are now going after our kids. Queensland has delayed the start of the school year, while South Australia is making many kids start the school year online. A national fear campaign is utilising the so-called “Omicron surge” and the impending start of the school year to inject as many children as possible with poison.

They are effectively holding our children’s education, and essentially our children, to ransom.

But there is still strength in the blood of Men of the West:

Here we go again.

Today, hundreds of thousands of Aussies marched against vaccine mandates for children. As usual, Rise Melbourne has thoroughly documented the day’s events. Here are the scenes from Melbourne:




And the Gold Coast:

The shot of the day came courtesy of Melbourne, where the crowd descended upon the lair of the Lying Press:

A close second was a Melbourne idiot who was triggered by the sight of so many people who still oppose Covid Tyranny:

We can make the usual observations:

  • The demographics were overwhelmingly White, working and middle class, mums and dads, ie ordinary people.
  • The sheer scale of the protests again destroys the 90+ per cent vaccinate rate myth.
  • Opposition to vaccine mandates is mainstream, it is the true believers who are on the fringe.
  • The protests were entirely peaceful.

It is this last point which should give people pause for thought. The peaceful protests since Melbourne’s reopening have not ended the vaccine mandate or killed the bill.

Yet the Melbourne lockdown itself was not ended by peaceful protest. Victoria Police were completely out of control, brutalising unarmed protesters with absolutely no pushback from their commanders, the government or the Lying Press.

It is reasonable to assume that Daniel Andrews would have been told in no uncertain terms that if the escalation in violence by Victoria Police was allowed to continue, they would eventually murder somebody.

However, Victorians demonstrated that they were not going to take it sitting down.

I’ll just leave it at that.

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