Coming 2 America: XYZ gains EXCLUSIVE Sneak Peak


The XYZ has gained exclusive footage of the long anticipated sequel for Coming to America, the ingeniously titled Coming 2 America.

The XYZ spoke exclusively with the director of the expected flop, Judas Goldbergstein:

“Aside from the fact that nobody can write anything original any more in Hollywood, we really felt it was time to make a political statement about racial equality and the right of refugees, especially now that we have moved on from the White Supremacist nightmare of the Trump Presidency.

We can expect tens of millions of new Americans to come here over the next few years, so it is crucial that we normalise this through the medium of art.

“As far as style goes, audiences can expect a mash-up of Game of Thrones and Blacked.

“The movie goes for nearly three hours, and two and a half hours of that is going to be hardcore rape scenes of black guys raping white women. We think it’s really important way we can achieve reconciliation.”

US Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine, has said the movie will be compulsory viewing for American preschoolers.

According to Levine:

“We think this will be a really important way to open up a discussion about White privilege. We know that from just a few days old White babies are racist, so it is important to eliminate any sense of racial solidarity in White people from as soon as we have access to them. Then we will get them to mutilate their genitals so they’re screwed for life.”

It’s your XYZ.