3 Big Decisions in 3 Days which will impact Australia more than the US Election


A whirlwind of information is currently bombarding us regarding the rigged US election and the racial-religious war being unleashed in Europe. Meanwhile back home in Oz, three big moves have been made in the last two days which will have a lasting impact on Australia.

These are:

  • The decision by the Reserve Bank of Australia to lower interest rates to zero and just print money.
  • The Australian government announces the roll out of four different coronavirus vaccines planned for the first quarter of next year.
  • NSW makes QR codes mandatory from November 23.

Money machine goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

From the ABC:

The Reserve Bank has cut interest rates to a record low of 0.1 per cent as the bank’s governor confirmed Australia was not out of recession.

The cut to 0.1 per cent is down from the previous record low of 0.25 per cent, which was announced earlier this year, and is not expected to increase for at least three years.

Alongside the drop in the official cash rate, the RBA lowered its three-year bond rate target to 0.1 per cent. The new record-low rate will also apply to the bank’s term funding facility.

The central bank confirmed it would buy $100 billion worth of Australian government bonds over the next six months to lift inflation and encourage lending and investment — a measure known as quantitative easing.

Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe stressed the bank was not printing free money for the state and federal governments and the bonds bought by the RBA would have to be repaid by governments at maturity…..

They are gently normalising the idea of negative interest rates, too:

Dr Lowe said despite some media reports, Australia was not out of recession and said the Reserve Bank had more monetary “firepower” to use if necessary.

But he said dropping the cash rate below zero was “extraordinarily unlikely”.

“While a negative rate might lead to a helpful depreciation of the Australian dollar, it could impair the supply of credit to the economy and lead some people to save more, rather than spend more,” he said.

Get that, they don’t want us to save our money. This entire system relies on us being in debt.

Dr Lowe said the bank was “committed to doing what it can to support the creation of jobs“.

The purpose of central banks is not to create jobs, their purpose is to facilitate the implementation of international communism.

No jab, no live.

From the Australian

Australia has secured access to two new potential COVID-19 vaccines­ as part of a new $1.5bn deal, doubling the number of drug candidates to help combat the virus, with Scott Morrison saying he wasn’t “putting all our eggs in one basket”.

Under international agreements struck this week, Australia would be given access to up to 40 million doses of a drug prod­uced by US biotech company Nova­vax, as well as 10 million doses of an alternative drug produced by Pfizer and BioNTech.

“There are no guarantees that these vaccines will prove successful, however, our strategy puts Australia at the front of the queue, if our medical experts give the vaccines­ the green light,” the Prime Minister said. “By securing multiple COVID-19 vaccines we are giving Australians the best shot at early access to a vaccine, should trials prove successful.”

Both vaccines are expected to be available in Australia from early next year if they pass muster and go to market. The Novavax vaccine candidate, which will likely require two doses, began phase-three clinical trials in Britain in September. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate has also entered phase-three clinical trials.

The deal will bring Australia’s total spend on vaccines to more than $3.2bn and builds on the existing access to 33.8 million doses of the protein-based candidate developed­ by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford. It has also secured 51 million doses of a local candidate produced by the University of Queensland and Australian manufacturer CSL (Seqirus).

I count that as 135 million doses all up. Should be enough to sterilise us all several times over.

Last month’s budget, which forecast real GDP growth of 4.25 per cent next year, assumed a “population-wide Australian COVID­-­19 vaccination to be fully in place by late 2021” and the progressi­ve lifting of border restrict­ions and movement bans…

He assured Aust­ralians on Sunday the nation was on track to deliver the first doses by March.

Mandatory vaccines are coming to us sooner rather than later. Don’t take that vaccine. The whole of 2020 has been about prepping us for this vaccine, making us desperate for it, to make us veiw it as the only way to get our lives back.

But our lives will never go back to normal.

NSW outsources Big Brother duties to small business

From SBS:

Ms Berejiklian also announced QR codes will become mandatory for venues from 23 November, as NSW Health is still identifying non-compliance seven months after the pandemic began.

The change was prompted in part by the failing of a southwest Sydney restaurant visited by a positive case to provide NSW Health with staffing and patronage records.

Jasmins1 Lebanese restaurant in Liverpool has been directed to close until NSW Health no longer considers it a public health risk.

The government and Big Tech is not simply doing everything it can to keep track of every single thing you do. It will require every small business to do the same, a requirement to keep electronic records of everybody who comes through their doors. Refuse and the government will shut you down.

There was ridiculous red and green tape before the plandemic. The combination of restrictions on the number of people allowed in a venue and increasingly time consuming coronavirus regulations will make more and more businesses unviable.

If it smells like a plan to bankrupt small business and turn us into UBI slaves, and looks like a plan to bankrupt small business and turn us into UBI slaves, it’s probably like a plan to bankrupt small business and turn us into UBI slaves.

This is Australia’s future, and the world’s future.

We need fanatics to overcome this.