XYZ Live #104 – Coronavirus Nationalism and the anti-ray-ray Reaction


Despite the fact that the Wuhan coronavirus originated in China, has affected mostly Chinese people, has spread to places to where Chinese people have travelled, and is even more likely by its very genetic nature to be caught by Chinese people, the biggest concern amongst the left is that it might cause people to be racist toward Chinese people?

Simply glance at a Chinese person, that could be considered a so-called “microaggression”.

In order to bring the Chinese community back into the fold, last night Matty and I suggested a way to literally embrace our fellow Chinese Australians.

February 8 is Hug A Chinese Person Day.


Monday night is livestream night. Join David Hiscox and Matty’s Modern Life as they discuss the politics of the week at 9:00 pm AEDT. You will find us at Matty Rose Live.