XYZ back-up page for Facebook


The key to purging social media of conservative voices is to do it gradually. Frog in the saucepan and all that.

Facebook appears to be meddling with The XYZ’s ability to post status updates onto our Facebook page, making it more difficult to share articles with our 11,600+ followers. A report has been filed with Facebook, but to date they have not given us any explanation why this is happening.

To circumvent this we have started a back-up page, XYZ mk.II, to which we gave the name XYZultra, because it sounded cool at the time:

We are publishing to this back up page, but then sharing to our main page to ensure as large a reach as possible.

Given we are always predicting a purge of all dissenting voices from the Social Media Complex, we are continually working to expand the ways we can reach our audience. We will be putting out a new Newsletter this Sunday morning – you can sign up for this on the right hand side bar.

You can also follow XYZ on the following media:






We now have over 600 followers on Twitter, and although we only have 270 followers on Gab, outside Facebook it is providing the most engagement with readers.

While we’re on the subject, here is a little something from Deefer:

My house is looking cleaner
Looks like I’ve got a big Weiner
The comments are getting obscener
But the grass is always greener
On social media