FAQ Ep. 11: What does Milo Yiannopoulos believe?


The XYZ team of Hiscox and Hilton take the opportunity to do something very few in the Australian media are prepared to do: discuss Milo Yiannopoulos’ ideas in-depth, explore where they agree and disagree with him, and with each other.

We start by examining why Milo’s contradictions explode the heads of left-wing frightbats, yet conservatives are comfortable with not seeing eye to eye on everything. From there we demonstrate why it is important to pound Feminism into dust.

The bulk of the podcast focuses on Milo’s justified attacks on Islam, but questions why he balks at support for ethnic nationalism. This reveals some of the biggest differences of opinion between Hiscox and Hilton, particularly with regards to the motivations and mechanations behind US foreign policy.

As usual on The XYZ, and continuing in the spirit of Milo’s tour, free speech is king.