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Tag: Conservatives

Conservatives are the gamma males of the right

This is a somewhat depressing post from Dalrock, an unwelcome reminder that as far as feminism goes the rot truly has set in very...

Great Britain to hold election: Effectively a second Brexit referendum

I had been hoping that Boris Johnson and Queen Elizabeth would personally lead a long column of tanks, ahead of hundreds of thousands of...

Kevin Rudd Globalist Shill

Battle lines have been drawn even if most don’t even realise it yet; Globalist or Nationalist, that’s your choice and you'd better choose wisely...

The Primacy of the Story

Karl Marx wanted a philosophy for all of life. Not an abstract philosophical splitting of straws, disconnected from reality, but a comprehensive system of...

Why every conservative must stand up for David Leyonhjelm

In June, Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered as she walked through Princess Park in Melbourne late at night. In response police, conservatives and regular...

The hilarious Leftist assault on Abbott’s immigration plan

Generally, the response from the right to Tony Abbott’s speech calling for a modest reduction in the immigration intake was unhinged. You had a...

FAQ Ep. 11: What does Milo Yiannopoulos believe?

The XYZ team of Hiscox and Hilton take the opportunity to do something very few in the Australian media are prepared to do: discuss...

You do not punish conservatives by voting for your political enemies

The Z Man has a post up about the French revolution and a genocidal massacre of armed peasantry in the Vendée region in 1793....

No Alt-Right for Old Men

Identity politics is now everything. You may not like it, but that is the reality, and to ignore it is to position yourself as...

Why we shouldn’t call ourselves Conservatives

It’s an oft stated observation but no less a true one that Conservatives in Australia have demonstrably failed to conserve much of anything. They...