Jumping to Conclusions


Finally we have a leader of the free world who is unafraid to use the M or I words in (shock horror) entirely reasonable circumstances. A truck deliberately ploughs into men, women, and children during Christmas festivities in Berlin, and the same left that have been falling over themselves to brand all disenfranchised voters who cast their ballot for Donald Trump, One Nation, or The Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers Party in the Orange bi-election as rednecks and racists, have to gall to demand that we don’t jump to any conclusions.

Don’t jump to any conclusions. You’ll invariably hear it from the left every time something bad occurs in the realm of identity politics that is statistically 99.999% likely to be exactly the scenario that those who are jumping to said conclusions suspect. It’s only the minutiae that is occasionally wrong. When a terror attack occurs in Paris, people often remark that “it’s probably Algerians”. Sometimes they’re wrong. Sometimes it’s a Syrian or an Afghan. Often it’s Algerians. But that shouldn’t dissuade us from jumping to conclusions. After all, they do all seem to be playing in the same league.

The morning of 9/11, Andrew Denton also stressed on his Triple M breakfast show that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Presumably he suspected that someone more like Hans Gruber masterminded the plot to take out Twin Towers, or perhaps it was Triple M’s own Guido Hatzis.

As far as Andrew Denton was concerned, everybody was a suspect and the greatest crime that could possibly have occurred on that day was profiling.

We can be reasonably certain that the moment that second plane hit, the Department of Homeland Defence scratched Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Scientologists, Mormons, Russians, and a bevy of other benevolent or nefarious ideologies and foreign powers off their list and jumped to a pretty sound and logical conclusion.

Almost as predictable as the end result of playing ‘what religion was that?’ every time a truck is used for more murderous and nefarious purposes than stock standard moving freight from A to B, is the reaction of the regressive left to a world leader having the audacity to link Islam to Islamic Extremism. It’s an outrage. Yet these same journalists not only cover completely made-up hate crimes without even the most rudimentary checks and balances, but will also always allege a direct causative effect between these fanciful anecdotes and voting conservatively.

Yet the ideology of those who assure us that God is Great as they shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ moments before murdering innocents is never taken at face value. Unlike the occasional genuine waspish racist who says something off-colour, those who assure us that their acts are religiously motivated as they kill and maim are not to be believed, and are instead framed as very much secular and merely mentally unstable. A luxury that your garden variety genuinely mentally ill waspish public transport ranter doesn’t enjoy apparently, in spite of all their white privilege.

The President elect is ‘reckless’ in stating what is a 99.999% probability. We can also assume that a park ranger would be ‘reckless’ if he were to suggest that a grizzly was responsible for a badly mauled hiker. Would the ranger be suggesting that all grizzlies are inclined to maul a hiker sooner or later? Not at all. But he is suggesting that if a mauled hiker is found, common sense dictates that the culprit is more likely a grizzly than an elk due to prevailing trends.

Imploring that we don’t jump to conclusions every time a terror attack occurs is as reckless and irresponsible as it gets. At the time of writing, one terror suspect is on the run. Is it wise to allude to the German public that the suspect is as likely to be a Nepalese Chef as he is to be a newly-arrived fifth-columnist who faces Mecca five times a day? When bombs were killing and maiming in the ’70s, was it reckless to jump to the conclusion that the perpetrators were in all likelihood Irish Catholic?

‘Jumping to Conclusions’ is just a pejorative for noticing trends, recognising causative factors, and relying on one’s instinct. Like many things that the left demonises, warning against ‘Jumping to Conclusions’ is merely a senseless rejection of natural inclination.

If anything, Germany could be well served in jumping to more conclusions. Perhaps if Angela Merkel had jumped to a few conclusions herself, much of Europe wouldn’t be in such a permanent mess. Now that we have a leader of the free world that isn’t afraid of jumping to conclusions, perhaps there’s still hope for common sense and Western Civilisation.

It’s your XYZ.

Photo by deltaenthalpy