Thought for the Day: On the London Bombings


24293450_c08101a2c0_London-BombingsOn the 7th of July, 2005, four Islamic terrorists committed suicide bombings, targeting the London transport system. They killed 52 people and wounded more than 770. The bombings took place a day after the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) was agreed to at the G8 summit, hosted by Tony Blair in Gleneagles, Scotland, at which they announced the 100% cancellation of multilateral debt owed by Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC).

Clearly, terrorism has nothing to do with poverty.

A little over 11 years after the London Bombings, a Muslim was elected mayor of London. A little over 7 years after the 9/11 attack on the United States, a Muslim was elected President of the United States.

Photo by Nicholas Shanks

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David has studied history and political science at Melbourne University. His thesis was written on how the utilisation of Missile Defence can help to achieve nuclear disarmament. His interest in history was piqued by playing a flight simulator computer game about the Battle of Britain, and he hopes to one day siphon the earnings from his political writings into funding the greatest prog-rock concept album the world has ever seen.