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Tag: Sadiq Khan

XYZ Live #95 – Diversity is TOTES our Strength! Sadiq Khan...

Whenever a Western leader states that "diversity is our strength" after a diversity incident in a Western city, that message is not directed toward...

Hold off the Nukes: Demons make the Semi Finals

The Melbourne Football Club showed tremendous fight last night to win their first final in 12 years against Geelong, 10.15 (75) to 6.10 (46)....

Australia’s disgrace: Visa declined to Lauren Southern

Who would you rather let into the country? This guy? Or this girl? The topic of Lauren Southern's role in the alt light and the alt right...


Sunday, 6th May, saw an important event held in London that next to no major media outlets covered, leastwise the major state broadcaster BBC....

Sadiq Khan is a massive hypocrite

Sadiq Khan recently gave a speech where he whined and moaned about “hate-speech” and decried a number of “mean-tweets” he’d received. It was full...

Facebook Jail again for Ridiculous reason: Why you should use Alt-Tech

Matty's Modern Life has been banned by Fakebook AGAIN and this time the reason is rock-solid evidence that Mark Cuckerberg HATES freedom of speech. It...

Thought for the Day: On the London Bombings

On the 7th of July, 2005, four Islamic terrorists committed suicide bombings, targeting the London transport system. They killed 52 people and wounded more...