Calls for Chris Gayle to be Crucified and Beheaded



Well, not quite, but practically everything but.

Former Australian cricket captain Ian Chappell has called for the worldwide banning of Chris Gayle, saying that cricket should take a zero tolerance policy on what he deemed as “totally inappropriate behavior.”

“I wouldn’t have a problem if Cricket Australia said to the clubs, `he’s never to be contracted again in this country’,” Chappell said.

“And I also wouldn’t have a problem if Cricket Australia said to the ICC, `what we’re doing should be worldwide.'”

Upon receiving this news, XYZ contributor Andrew Douglas was heard vociferating: “Considering Ian Chappell has a connection to the most disgusting unsportsmanlike conduct ever in Australian history I think he should shut up.”


But even if Ian Chappell puts a well deserved sock in it, what will we hear next? Will Pope Francis be called upon to denounce Chris Gayle’s attempt to flirt with Mel McLaughlin as gravely sinful and in error? Perhaps the United Nations will be called to pass a resolution on supposed “sexist behavior”, imposing economic sanctions and a travel ban on the cricketer and banishing him to the moon?

XYZ quote of the Day, 8 January 2016


Photo by Der Vollstrecker