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Tag: Chris Gayle

Calls for Chris Gayle to be Crucified and Beheaded

Well, not quite, but practically everything but. Former Australian cricket captain Ian Chappell has called for the worldwide banning of Chris Gayle, saying that cricket...

What Would You Say to Mel McLaughlin in Real Life?

The West Indies' Chris Gayle attempt to flirt with Mel McLaughlin on live television failed spectacularly on Monday night. Without rehashing the self-important opinions expressed...

XYZ Viewer Polls: The Koran, Turtles, and Donald Duck.

The results of several XYZ Viewer Polls are in, and as usual, the results are revealing. The XYZ has gone to great lengths to differentiate...

Australia meets public apology diversity targets

The Australian Equal Opportunity Commissioner has announced that ze is delighted that events over the last few days have helped Australia 'meet its diversity...