Tedros is China’s man in the WHO


Editor: The Mainstream media has finally reported on the links WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has to terrorism. We won’t link to any MSM sources as they are notorious for fake news, and we don’t want to spread baseless accusations and dangerous conspiracy theories. However, we would like to point out that The XYZ reported on this back on April 10, 2020. We figured it deserved an encore.

When World Health Organisation official Bruce Aylward, a Canadian epidemiologist, incompetently dodged questions about Taiwan from a Hong Kong News outlet by pretending not to hear the question and deliberately hanging up, that was weird.

When the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, played the race card in the middle of a global Chinese Coronavirus pandemic, and pointed the finger at Taiwan, that was deeply suspicious.

What’s the context?

Taiwan has complained from the outset of the pandemic that given its exclusion from the WHO, it has been denied vital information to protect its citizens, and that its early warning in December 2019 of human to human infectihttps://www.newstatesman.com/world/asia/2020/04/how-world-health-organisation-s-failure-challenge-china-over-coronavirus-cost-uson in China was ignored. The Taiwanese government is of course the legitimate government of China, but was betrayed by Western leaders in 1972.

So, China has an incentive to shut Taiwan up.

Tedros has been strongly criticised for failing to classify the Chinese Coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic early enough, a decision which could cost hundreds of millions of lives. The World Health Organisation has been accused of being in China’s pocket.

From the New Statesman:

“Aso’s answer was that the WHO had grown far too close to China. Indeed, he suggested, it should change its name to the Chinese Health Organisation. Not only was the previous WHO director-general, Margaret Chan, a Chinese national but her successor, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the former Ethiopian health minister, was China’s candidate. The allegation was serious: “Early on, if the WHO had not insisted to the world that China had no pneumonia epidemic, then everybody would have taken precautions,” he said on 28 March. Although it was alerted in late December that a new disease had appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the WHO continued to repeat Beijing’s assurances that there was nothing much to worry about.”

“China’s candidate.” That’s a big accusation from the Japanese Deputy Prime Minister. It’s not unreasonable, either. It is alleged that China lobbied hard for his role as head of the WHO:

From the Daily Mail:

Shortly after his election to the WHO, a report in The Times said: ‘Chinese diplomats had campaigned hard for the Ethiopian, using Beijing’s financial clout and opaque aid budget to build support for him among developing countries.’…..

In November 2012 he was promoted to Foreign Minister, and was widely hailed for helping to negotiate a boost in UN funding for Ethiopia, including as part of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.

Indeed, UN funding records show that around this time the country received millions in additional funding – including from China, which had previously given little or nothing to support the country.

In 2015 and 2016 China gave some $16million to Ethiopia in spending commitments and cash contributions, largely in support of food or refugee programmes.

In 2011, just before Dr Tedros took up the role, and in 2017, just after he left, China handed over another $44million in commitments and contributions.

Its total contributions outside of this period, dating back to the year 2000, were just $345,000. 

His background is alarming:

Tedros’s candidacy for WHO director general was opposed vigorously by several Ethiopian parties, due to his career in the terrorist organisation the Tigray People’s Liberation Front which was supposedly funded by the CCP[citation needed]. The TPLF provided millions of dollars in financial support for Tedros’s candidacy in WHO.[71][72][73]

Member of a Marxist terrorist organisation, suspected of being funded by China. I can’t find anything so far to corroborate the latter. He was a member of the Derg, the party responsible for the Ethiopian famine:

After college, Tedros, joined the Ministry of Health of the Derg as a junior public health expert.[14]

He is suspected of covering up several cholera epidemics, and he even chose Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador for the WHO. Tedros’ candidacy for his current role at the WHO was opposed by several Ethiopian groups who accused him of war crimes. This is relevant to his bizarre, race-baiting speech. Wikipedia lauds his apparent success in improving Ethiopia’s health outcomes:

In 2001, Tedros was appointed head of the Tigray Regional Health Bureau.[7] As head of the bureau, Tedros was credited with making a 22.3% reduction in AIDS prevalence in the region, and a 68.5% reduction in meningitis cases. He oversaw a campaign to improve ICT access that installed computers and internet connectivity to most of the region’s hospitals and clinics, whereas they had not been connected before.[17]

During his time in this position, health care staffing was increased by 50%. Immunization for measles was raised to 98% of all children and total immunisation for all children under 12 months was raised to 74%. The percentage of government funding for the Tigray Regional Health Bureau was increased to 65%, with foreign donors’ percentage falling to 35%. Overall, 68.5% of the population was provided with health care services within 10 km.[17]

Yet a letter from the Amhara Professionals Union claims these improvements were deliberately selective:

“The candidate has failed to be transparent by forcing the Ethiopian Ministry of Health to not report and cover up a Cholera epidemic throughout his tenure by simply renaming a deadly epidemic as an Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) even after the diagnosis of Vibrio Cholerae was confirmed. His priority in deciding so was to conceal the impact a public admission of Cholera epidemic might have on Tourism and image of his Party rather than protecting the international community and attempting to reach out to the affected areas. Such a sad error due to lack of judgment resulted in a nationwide epidemic.

“The candidate has treated his own citizens differently based on their ethnicity contrary to WHO’s goal of building a better, healthier future for all people throughout the world. While WHO strives to better the lives of underserved and marginalized communities, Dr. Ghebreyesus who descends from Tigre ethnic group disfavored the “Amhara Regional State” through poor health care. For instance, disproportionately high mortality coupled with selective application of contraceptives use has led to a selective reduction of the growth rate of the Amhara people. Such disparities were created and gaps increased across all measures of health in his leadership tenure. Of particular importance is the unexplained 2.5 million decrease in the Amhara population under his healthcare leadership. The Amharas were victimized and punished due to their ethnic background.”

At the risk of adopting the language of the enemy, that sounds a little “racist”.

The picture which is coming together of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is that of a psychopath:

  • A lifelong Marxist.
  • Worked for a genocidal regime.
  • Member of a terrorist organisation.
  • Accused of covering up epidemics for his own benefit.
  • Accused of ethnic genocide of his fellow citizens.
  • Deep ties to Communist China.
  • China lobbied for his role as head of the WHO.
  • Nominated a communist mass murderer to a role with the WHO.

He now appears to be covering for the Chinese government, serving as their chief propaganda spokesman as the entire world points the finger at China, and betraying his role as essentially the Chief Medical Officer of the World.

Yet he cries “racist”.

That one doesn’t work any more. Donald Trump is threatening the funding of the World Health Organisation. This should extend to the entire United Nations.  Hopefully humanity can be spared another Babel project for centuries.