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Tag: Women

Do Women Have Agency?

Agency means 'anything which acts or produces a result'. Traditionally nearly every culture has accepted that men have Agency, men made things happen and...

A Path For Women In A Traditionalist Society

Traditionalists do not like the modern world, we find much to disagree with. One of those is the place of women within modern society....

Full Male Employment

No matter what your political beliefs are, if you went to a party and you met a man who worked and his wife who...

Women’s Work Is Poison!

The National Australia Bank's Independent Schools Survey was released this week and it found that: "Girls were doing old-fashioned "housewife" chores to earn their pocket...

The UN Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination...

There is ongoing debate in the Northern Territory regarding a new bill concerning what is now called sex work but used to be known...

The future of Australian politics – no girls allowed

Kelly O’Dwyer and Julie Bishop are retiring from Australian politics at the next federal election to be held this year. One would think that...

Once women hit 19 they’re officially over the hill

Most of my readers would be familiar with Rollo’s sexual market value graph but for those who haven’t come across it before, here it...

A woman’s greatest enemy is other women

I have written about post-wall sex author and self-confessed drunk Nikki Gemmell before, as in the time where she attempted to make the claim...

Demanding that a woman do her job is bullying

Andrew Bolt is a little confused over some of the fallout from former prime minister Turnbull being sent to the New York cleaners. It...

Women are beginning to acknowledge that they cannot have it all

A truly extraordinary article in today’s Weekend Australian – Working mothers, families and the secrets we keep. It’s pay-walled so I will link a...