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They faked Climate Change. They faked it so completely that Harvard University physics graduates are deluded into believing that a cold atmosphere can increase...

Afghanistan A Great Success Story

For twenty years the Globalist criminal elites have used Afghanistan as a playground. The war was sold to us as a humanitarian operation to...

The top 10 manly man war films of all time

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill on May 29, 2021. You can purchase Adam’s books here. There has been a bit of a discussion in...

Enact our carbon emissions targets or we’ll invade you

The signs are there that the wheels are beginning to fall off the great climate change fraud. Fresh from her stint scolding the world...

Trump knows: Sacks Bolton on 9/11

In June this year Donald Trump called off a retaliatory strike against Iran after it had shot down a US drone. Hitting Iranian military...

It is better to be a man than a woman

A wonderful article from Jupes at Catallaxy Files on the subject of suicide among ex-servicemen in Australia. In it he compares battlefield casualty rates...

Make Sport MASCULINE Again!

Sport is traditionally the pastime of men, it’s a way for men to bond and train for the protection of the group. However, in recent...

The luxury of being humane

Only the ignorant long for war. But only a fool thinks that war cannot occur in his own backyard. The West has been on...

Kevin Rudd Globalist Shill

Battle lines have been drawn even if most don’t even realise it yet; Globalist or Nationalist, that’s your choice and you'd better choose wisely...

The Two Thousand Year War: Part 1

Editor: Originally published on November 11, 2018.  The Christmas period is a good time to review the arguments made here, and part 2 will...