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Tag: wage suppression

The Myth Of Lazy British Workers

From Patriotic Alternative. Edward Saunders The money printed to pay for shutting down the economy for eighteen months, ensuring households didn’t starve and businesses didn't keel...

Dave Uren thinks Mass-Immigration is good for Australia and the economy

Matty's Modern Life counters the arguments made in an article in the Australian by David Uren in favour of continued mass migration to Australia. Matty...

Shooting Abbott only makes him stronger

On Tuesday night former prime minister Tony Abbott made a fairly innocuous speech to the Australia Institute on the subject of immigration. The gist...

The hilarious Leftist assault on Abbott’s immigration plan

Generally, the response from the right to Tony Abbott’s speech calling for a modest reduction in the immigration intake was unhinged. You had a...

Judith Sloan comes out swinging on immigration conspiracy

There are two good blondes at The Australian who generally make a lot of sense. Janet Albrechtsen is these days too socially libertarian in...

Why did the Liberals smash Abbott on immigration cuts?

On Tuesday night Tony Abbott made a speech to the Sydney institute in which he modestly proposed reducing the net immigration intake back to...

Tony Abbott and mystery of the Immigration situation

On Tuesday night Tony Abbott decided to make a speech to the Sydney Institute calling for a reduction in Australia’s immigration levels. He went on...

Neil deGrasse Tyson BTFO

Peter O'Hare When will celebrities learn that we don't need their political platitudes? For the most part their appeals to emotion or authority can be...