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Tag: violence against women

Pragmatism trumps principles in combating violence against women

The ABC’s recent take on the issue of harassment of female runners visits a familiar theme and draws some familiarly troubling conclusions. The chief contention...

Where Are All the Feminists?

Domestic violence is one of the key social issues of our time. We see advertisements against it, and governments are funnelling hundreds of million...

Are We Really Taking Domestic Violence Seriously?

Over the last few days, the Australian Government's campaign to address domestic violence has been plastered throughout our local media. The campaign ads at...

Sharia Law and Violence Against Women

Yesterday in Australia was White Ribbon Day. It is a day marked every year to campaign against violence towards women and girls. Despite the movement...

We rest our case 

We rest our case Two weeks ago XYZ published a strongly worded, short reflection on the shocking circumstances surrounding the death of young and vivacious...

Masa Vukotic killer: “A timebomb of violence.”

A humbly offered, and very sincere, observation for the Royal Commission into family violence, and to the many working hard to prevent violence against...