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Tag: United States

Julian Assange arrested for saving the world

At the beginning of the last century, the globalist elite figured out a way to take over the world. Manipulate white European countries into launching...

Anne Frank used as dog whistle against Trump immigration policy

Donald Trump had a yuge win last week when the US Supreme Court upheld his Muslim ban, and he responded to leftists tears about...

Donald Trump’s North Korea Propaganda Video is Pure Genius

The entire economic strategy of the North Korean regime in recent decades has involved playing a game of brinksmanship with pussy willow US administrations,...

The Syria counter-analysis

Samuel Medici This is a reply to Matty’s Modern Life's video on the recent gas attacks in Syria. Let me start by saying Matty is a...

Straight to the point: Likely future for US

By Ghostwtr Likely future for US: Trump elected president 2016 Emoji is made international "lingua franca" Event triggers Kanye to run in 2020. Names himself...

The Last Thing We Need Is A New Cold War

Tensions between the United States and Russia have been escalating now for several years. Russia's renewed confidence and expansionism under the leadership of Vladimir Putin...

What do the recent mass shootings have in common?

And I'm not talking about guns. Or race. Or class. In this compelling video, Bill Whittle argues it is the problem of fatherlessness that lies behind the...

What really matters 

President Obama was vocal yesterday about climate change, telling his audience that a leader who does not lead in relation to climate change is...

Coming up Trumps

When Donald Trump announced his bid for the White House in mid June there were smiles all round, plenteous expressions of derision, and the...

World with a weaker United States

What will the world be like with a weaker United States? I believe the world will be much worse off. However, I freely acknowledge that there...