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Tag: tyranny

Tyranny And Liberalism

Liberalism has always championed freedom, freedom from Kings, Popes and Aristocrats. Freedom from Fascism and Communism. Freedom from marriage and responsibility. Everyone and everything...

We hate our government

A $35K fine for sixty people who gathered in an “illegal” church worship in Sydney. A group of rescue dogs that were shot by...

At what point do I say enough?

Alan Burns Indeed it is logical to want to avoid being bashed by the cops. It’s foolhardy to go up against those goons. The chief...

Brexit Betrayal: EU lays trap for second referendum

The fix is in; European elites are doing what they can to force Britain into another vote in order to get the “right” answer: EU...

Their tyranny is garbage

The prog’s war on Anglo-Saxon culture via garbage recycling has just been stepped up a notch in my old home town of Perth. Face your...

Urgent need to restore confidence in justice system

Our justice system has taken a few hits recently. And some of the damage has been disturbingly self inflicted. When perpetrators of violence are let...

The dangers of freedom from speech

The current generation at schools and universities are being raised, "not to believe that they have freedom of speech, but rather that they have...

The World’s Most Dangerous Ideology

In the early 20th Century, the world's most dangerous ideology was fascism, which saw the rise and threat of Nazism. During the second-half of the...

Our opposition to speech suppression

Paying tribute to the 80s rock band, the XYZ draws together and comprises a diverse and 'motley crue'. We are male and female, urban and...