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Tag: Turkey

The Uncuckables Ep. 31: Extreme Alarm

We had a full house on this episode of The Uncuckables, with James Fox Higgins and Australian Meditations joining David Hiscox and Tims Wilms,...

Violence solves many things

Back in the mists of time when I was a wee lad growing up, figures of authority in my life would routinely utter the...

“It’s a lot of sand”: Trump tells Kurds to get stuffed

What a line, Donald: From the Australian: "It’s a lot of sand — they’ve got a lot of sand over there so that’s a lot of...

The Uncuckables Ep. 30: Joker Week

Topics discussed: Joker. Extinction Rebellion. Box Hill Police Station treachery. PPP. Fuck the Kurds. Trump impeachment trap. How Hollywood's glorification of nerds and demonisation...

Fuck the Kurds

Back in the 80's, Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds (apparently) and we all felt sorry for them. Then during Iraq War 1 George HW...

How Saudi Arabia views the murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Originally published November 3, 2018. This month marks one year since Jamal Khashoggi was murdered. It is worth reviewing the case. On the 2nd of...

Erdogan incites Gallipoli terror attempt

Remember this? "Your grandparents came here and saw that we were here, and some turned back on foot, some in caskets. If you come with...

Sri Lanka bombings retaliation for Christchurch: Never saw it coming

So a white guy allegedly shoots up a mosque in Christchurch, kills 50 muslims. In his manifesto he states that he chose muslim targets...

The time of reckoning

Turkish president Erdogan is rather upset at the shooting that occurred in New Zealand last week. “You heinously killed 50 of our siblings. You will...

Dutton to deport homegrown terrorist: Could this spark mass expulsion?

How can you say that non-Europeans or non-British people are not Australians? What about the people born here? Are you going to send them...