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Tag: The Liberal Party

Both Liberal and Labor back Covid Tyranny: Why the entire system...

An article in the Lying Press on Labor’s tacit approval for a vaccine passport for the pub demonstrates why both political parties are traitors...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 6 AusElection Clown Show

James Fox Higgins and Australian Meditations played tag team with anchors David Hiscox and Tim Wilms, while Matty's Modern Life trolled from the comments...

XYZ Live #58 – Scott Morrison Flip Flops on Milo and...

Australian Meditations joined us last night, and we opened with a special thanks to Peter Grace, otherwise known as Captain Incontinence, who has been...

The Liberal Party and the Overton Window

The “Overton window” is term coined to refer to the politically acceptable limits to public discourse, a concept originating with the former vice president...

The Liberal Hill to Die On

Strat Originally published 19 August, 2017. The Liberal Party has chosen their hill to die on and we are watching their slow death. A party whose...

Challenge Turnbull Now

Editor's note: This article by BJ appears even more precient, given reports that Cory Bernardi is preparing to make his move. Any doubt that Malcolm...

Why does the right in Australia always lose?

By Lucas Rosas Imagine explaining modern Australia to a time traveller from the 50's. Yes the 50's, that oft maligned decade that seems to haunt the...

Turnbull to ABC: I thought you looooved me?

Malcolm Turnbull has reportedly been "deeply hurt" by the sudden turn of the ABC against him since he took up his position as Prime...