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Tag: The Guardian

Guardian admits to climate propaganda

This is not journalism, this is activism. Progress has a voice. And it has the freedom to speak up about climate injustice. — The Guardian (@guardian)...

Malcolm ‘rat’ Turnbull claims he helped establish Guardian Australia

Malcolm Turnbull claims to have brokered the deal to establish communist blog the Guardian Australia. This revelation only compounds his already well established treason. From...

XYZ Live #96 – Naughty British Labour and the Israel Folau...

Scandal has stuck the British Labour Party barely days out from the general election, with revelations of the deep anti-semitism which infests this vile...

Fake News Media DEMANDS Freedom of the Press

The Australian Mainstream Media recently launched the “Your Right to Know” campaign to demand press freedom. This is funny because until this point they’ve...

Donald Trump ignores Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg has gone to America to speak truth to power or something. Then real power ignored her. I think a lot of us can...

Ladies, your youth and beauty lives on in your children

A couple of hilarious pieces in The Guardian by some chick called Arwa Mahdawi, (must be an Englander!), caught my eye this week. Men’s fixation...

Life is a race, life is a game, life is a...

Originally published 16/04/2018. Reader Dan asked for my opinion on an article about boys by Australian author and chronic leftie Tim Winton. It’s in The...

Europeans EXISTING is Colonialism, according to The Guardian

Melbourne University Academic Ghassan Hage recently produced a piece for The Guardian in which he labels legitimate concerns about European heritage and nations as...

Kevin Rudd DEMANDS Britain Remain in the EU

Editor: Another morning has revealed fresh treachery from the British ruling class, with a motion passed in the the House of Commons ruling out...

Can we just have a crusade already?

Your forefathers were stewards of British lands for thousands of years so that in the current year, a foreign writer could bemoan a foreign...