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Tag: The ABC

White People Existing is now Anti-Semitism

The ABC have just broken the Golden Rule of australian Mainstream Media: Don’t mention the XYZ The reason is essentially what one would expect - “Muh...

Kevin Rudd Globalist Shill

Battle lines have been drawn even if most don’t even realise it yet; Globalist or Nationalist, that’s your choice and you'd better choose wisely...

The Truth about Australian Mainstream Media BIAS

Does the Australian Mainstream Media have a left wing bias or is it balanced and objective? Some would admit bias, others wouldn't. Many would claim...

Viewer Poll: Should Clementine Ford be allowed to be employed by...

Clementine Ford is hated by pretty much every bloke in Australia who doesn't actually hate himself. Seriously, a so-called "man" would have to hate...

XYZ Live #53 – Newscorp calls its competition “Fake News,” Clementine...

On last night's livestream the Giggling White Supremacist and the Raucous Racist surveyed the fallout after the Australian alt media completely owning the MSM...

Thought for the Day: Clementine Ford is now a scab

Your taxes (stolen money) are now paying for Clementine Ford to continue to be fat. Feom the Unshackled: "In addition to being able to crowdfund her...

ABC Propaganda and the 1960’s Ayers Rock Tea Towel – How...

The ABC recently produced another piece of anti-Australian propaganda discussing an Ayers Rock tea-towel from the 1960s, and their conclusion is exactly what you’d...

The TRUTH about White Replacement Denial – A Measured Response to...

Kaz “the commie” Ross has gone full “denier” mode, and published another hit piece in the ABC’s “The Conversation” attacking true Australians for daring...

ABC are too pussy to name The XYZ

In three and a half years of working on The XYZ, this is still my favourite photo: It is a screenshot of moment the Fairfax...

Food For Thought – Their ABC Neuters NSW Nats

As a former Young Nat of the Victorian Nationals (2005 to 2007) I am somewhat dismayed as to how cucked the junior coalition partner...