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Tag: supply chains

Aussie Trucking Giant Goes Bust

It’s not Toilet Paper War 2 yet, but it’s another data point exposing how brittle our supply chains are: One of the largest trucking companies...

Constant Crisis

I have written about this before, about how our society has become addicted to crisis. Particularly the over-educated parts of our society. We have...

Shortages are coming in 2022

The ABC has finally caught up with XYZ News, finally reporting that we can expect shortages of basic goods in coming months: Crucial industries face...

AUSTRALIA WILL STARVE: Fruit Pickers Get Minimum Wage

Australia is about to face a serious disruption to its food supply at a moment in history when the nation is particularly vulnerable to...

Woolies Close in Melbourne, Petrol Shortage in England, Power Outages in...

It’s coming: Coles and Woolworths have warned they may have to temporarily close some stores across Melbourne this weekend as the supermarket giants grapple with...