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Tag: Solomon Islands

Chinese Spy Ship tracked off WA coast

I’d make some joke about how the Chinese intelligence gathering mission failed to uncover any intelligence in Western Australia, but here I am living...

America threatens to INVADE Solomon Islands

This month the Solomon Islands signed a security pact with China which would ostensibly allow it to station troops and build a naval base...

CHINA TIGHTENS THE NOOSE: Signs Security Deal With Solomon Islands

In 1942-43, 15,000 Americans were killed or wounded reclaiming Guadalcanal Island from the Japanese because they understood its strategic importance. Control the Solomon Islands...

Australia to build new Darwin Port: Shouldn’t have sold the old...

We told you so: Senior ministers have confirmed the federal government is exploring building a new port in the Northern Territory that could also have...

Solomon Islands Deal: China begins encirclement of Australia

There’s a great line in the movie Protocol with (((Goldie Hawn))), which goes something along the lines of “as you can see from the...

Solomon Islands Unrest: Australian Government diverts forces away from putting Aussies...

Riots, looting, buildings burnt, Chinese business raided and parliaments stormed. Sadly, this is not in Melbourne, but Honiara in the Solomon Islands: The Solomon Islands saw...