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Tag: Socialist Party

Who is behind the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism?

Editor: Originally published December 2017. The so-called "Campaign Against Racism and Fascism are gearing up for the arrival of Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern...

So, Socialists, About This Whole Terrorist Flag Thing …

Solidarity. We have all heard a lot of this word. Socialists promise solidarity with minorities, and everyone they consider to be oppressed. Palestine is high...

Terrorist Hezbollah Flag Appears At Melbourne Rally

Jael the wife of Heber On Wednesday 13 of December, there was a rally in the city, organised by the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid and...

France Votes to Strip Terrorists of Citizenship

Yesterday, the French parliament voted to strip French citizenship from those convicted of terrorism. Despite the avalanche of criticism that came from the left, it...