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Tag: Shane Patton

Victorian Government FREAKS OUT: Suspends Public Transport for Saturday Protest

A huge public protest against the Covid lockdown is planned in Melbourne this Saturday, September 18. It is expected to be one of many rallies...

Neil Erikson: Someone “with badges on their shoulder” tried to kill...

Neil Erikson was released from prison yesterday, having served a one month sentence for saying that mohammed was a false prophet in a public...

Why would Victoria’s Police Commissioner need to deny VicPol attended Dan’s...

The mysterious disappearance of Daniel Andrews just keeps getting funnier. Just days after Ambulance Victoria blundered their statement regarding the Premier’s “fall”, Victoria’s homosexual...

The Victorian government is trying to MURDER Neil Erikson

This month the Victorian government made Neil Erikson a political prisoner. It seems they are determined to also make him a martyr: Courtesy of Jaz...