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Tag: ScoMo

Albo Lied To Win Election

From Macrobusiness. David Llewellyn-Smith We all know ScoMo was a pathological liar. “The Liar from the Shire” most pointedly misled on climate change, behaviour in parliament,...

ScoMo BTFO’s Climate Cult: Advocates Hazard Reduction Burns

Australia is at a crossroads. We can either cut fuel loads to mitigate the intensity of bushfires, or we can continue to worship the...

XYZ Live #101 – Pauline Hanson vs Turnbull and The Cult

Topics discussed: Prince Harry's humiliation at the hands of Meghan Markle is symbolic of the humiliation of the entire West. The MSM and SJW's...

XYZ Live #100 – Rudd Blames Globawl Warmin’ and Toonsperger has...

Climate alarmists have been spooked that not everybody is buying their narrative that so-called "climate change" is responsible for Australia's horror bushfires, and that...

How ScoMo deals with bushfires will determine Australia’s future

Australia has always been hot. We have the records to prove that temperatures in the high 40's and even exceeding 50 degrees Celsius occurred...

ScoMo scolded for failing to attend ritual humiliation at Ayers Rock

The far left has twisted itself in tight circles of cognitive dissonance trying to deal with the fact that so many white people actually...

The Uncuckables Ep. 22: Epstein Fredo Attack

Main topics discussed on last night's Uncuckables: So many coincidences regarding the #EpsteinMurder. A man yells "Alahu Akbar" while attacking people in public in...

WHY did Scott Morrison WIN and WHAT does it mean for...

The count is in and Scott Morrison has won the 2019 Australian Federal Election with many comparing it to Trumps win in 2016. Bill Shorten...

Anning to ScoMo: Hold Immigration Plebiscite at Next Election

Scott Morrison has had his time wasted this week over some #shoegate nonsense: Meanwhile King Anning The Uncuckable has stoically withstood another barrage from Australia's...

LOL @ ScoMo: Israel shouldn’t exist

Here is a gif of Lara Bingle's boob wobble. That was a great move by Scott Morrison. Another great move was this: Israel has welcomed Prime...