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Tag: Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Fuck the Kurds

Back in the 80's, Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds (apparently) and we all felt sorry for them. Then during Iraq War 1 George HW...

Erdogan incites Gallipoli terror attempt

Remember this? "Your grandparents came here and saw that we were here, and some turned back on foot, some in caskets. If you come with...

Sri Lanka bombings retaliation for Christchurch: Never saw it coming

So a white guy allegedly shoots up a mosque in Christchurch, kills 50 muslims. In his manifesto he states that he chose muslim targets...

The time of reckoning

Turkish president Erdogan is rather upset at the shooting that occurred in New Zealand last week. “You heinously killed 50 of our siblings. You will...

XYZ Live #60 – Alex Mannlet FANTASISES about Blair Cottrell and...

The Australian political-media establishment have been running according to the Rahm Emmanuel playbook this week, in not letting a crisis go to waste. As...

The XYZ simple guide to the Syrian Civil War, part 1

This article was oublished on October 7, 2017. For some reason, the Syrian Civil War has been in the news again, so it...

The moral corruption of seeking asylum

In recent days some people have claimed asylum in Greece. Greece has charged them with illegal entry and will send them back to the...

Welcome to the Islamic State of Turkey

Was it a set-up? The cynic in me asks. Turkey's failed coup which lasted little more than a few hours will only solidify the...

Turkey coup: The awkward moment when a military dictatorship tries to...

There is currently a coup attempt underway in Turkey. From following the updates in the media, the situation appears very confusing. Certain bridges in Istanbul...

Turkey to gain visa-free travel to the EU

Editor's note: The original article was published on 29 June, 2016. As always, we hate to say we called it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One has to admire politicians....