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Tag: “Progressives”

This has all happened before

Editor: This piece was originally published on January 2, 2020. Given how 2020 is panning out, it appears prescient to have published it at...

12 Rules for Progressives (to save the world)

Inspired by that piece of shit, Jordan B Peterson, and his pathetic self-help advice to young white men who feel threatened by women and...

Progressives and oppression

Every day we are bombarded by new assaults in the realm of cultural warfare. We have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of progressives...

Progressives running out of new places to destroy – Where do...

Racist and bigoted and islamophobic people have been hounded by progressives for suggesting that islam is at odds with the West, with progressive values...

Why are Progressives and Regressives in bed together?

What a wonderful age we live in. Turn on Channel 10's The Project and you get a wonderful example of what I am going...

Say it with a picture: Omnipresent “progressive” ad hominems

This "Say It With A Picture" comes with a telling reminder. Whenever a "progressive" tries to tell you that your argument is based only on...

The bottom feeding relationship between the welfare state and needy migrants

Migrants are dying. Dying as they cross the Sahara, cross the Mediterranean, cross from Indonesia (well, they were, sorry Greens - that is now...

Things “Progressives” want to ban: Applause

Applause. Perhaps not a total ban, but an on the spot fine, for inconsiderately fostering anxiety among delicate types who have only just 'survived'...

Things “Progressives” want to ban: Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald, wanted for causing gender confusion among children, and for aiding and abetting the distribution of fast food.