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Tag: Poland

Australia has gone so Communist the Poles are comparing us to...

You know fhat country we fought the deadliest war in history over, then completely abandoned once it was all over? Well, Australia has gotten...

Stefan Molyneux’s EPIC FAIL on Wh1te N@tional1sm

Stefan Molyneux is a world famous writer, philosopher and content creator, he rarely makes mistakes but on this occasion, he’s made a big one. You...

Welcome to the Jungle

This article was originally published at on July 18, 2018, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam's books here. Nightgerbil comments...

Poland for the Poles

The good wife has been in a home renovation mood for some time now, eagerly devouring magazines and television shows on the subject. For...

Lots of White Women in Poland

An article and video by Matty's Modern Life on the merits of Civic Nationalism over Ethnic Nationalism has provoked some good debate in the...

Of Socialism

Two words - OF SOCIALISM. Repeat them to yourselves several times. It's not difficult to say two words is it? Say them again. Now here's why....

Quote of the Day: Based Poland defends actions to secure a...

The following headline caught my eye this evening: "Poland defends refugee ban, as EU threatens fines, sanctions." The first thing which occurs to me is that...

‘Islamic Rape of Europe’

One of Poland's most popular magazines has just published a graphic depiction of the rape of European women by migrants on its front...

Russia invades Poland – ISIS on last legs

Russia has expanded its humanitarian operations against ISIS this morning, launching a dramatic invasion of Poland. The latest reports suggest that Russian forces have...

Poland Invaded – Chamberlain vows “pitiless war” against Violent Extremists

It can now be confirmed that Poland has suffered thousands of casualties over the last couple of days, as a result of its being...