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Tag: neocons

Collapse of Rome 2.0: USA offers citizenship to recruit foreign soldiers

From Historiologist. When the United States was founded in 1789, the largely Masonic Founding Fathers envisioned it as a New Rome. The new nation’s constitution...

Shooting ourselves in the back of the head

From Historiologist. This week, the ritual public humiliation of decorated SAS soldier Ben Roberts-Smith continued in the mainstream media. No public figure has come forward to...

The neocon deep state’s war against humanity

From Historiologist, 12 March, 2023. Last week US Air Force Gen. James Hecker, Head of NATO Allied Air Command and US Air Forces in Europe,...

Taiwan: Washington’s Quest To Provoke A Chinese War

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan This week, the People’s Liberation Army conducted aggressive military exercises in the South China sea. This act was a forceful...

Neo-Conservatism, Why We Are Not Neo-Conservatives

Editor: Originally published at Upon Hope on 26 August, 2014. It is worth considering that neocons have not learned any of the lessons outlined...

End Washington’s Proxy War In Ukraine

From the National Justice Party. James Jordan How’s the war in Ukraine going? Axios reports that since June, the Armed Forces of the Ukraine (AFU) have been...

Is Globalist Interventionism Patriotic?

From Patriotic Alternative. By Matthew Slater One of the most galling elements of the Afghanistan débâcle is the way in which those who favour military interventions...

Violence solves many things

Back in the mists of time when I was a wee lad growing up, figures of authority in my life would routinely utter the...

Trump knows: Sacks Bolton on 9/11

In June this year Donald Trump called off a retaliatory strike against Iran after it had shot down a US drone. Hitting Iranian military...