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Tag: mother

Men should avoid intelligent women

Reader Eric took umbrage to my article on females wasting their time on college degrees, but not regards the central premise. Rather, he disagreed...

Single mothers are the untouchables of Western society

The Z Man has an article up on conservative feminism. His take is that feminism is bad across the board, but as in all...

The TRUE Fake Marriage Agenda Exposed

This video is discussing the Gay Marriage vote and what’s happened in Australia as a direct result of it. The YES side harassed and bullied...

Ladies, your youth and beauty lives on in your children

A couple of hilarious pieces in The Guardian by some chick called Arwa Mahdawi, (must be an Englander!), caught my eye this week. Men’s fixation...

Encouraging courageous women

Last night I got my hair cut by my local barber. He has a little set up in a men’s fashion store in a...

Women are beginning to acknowledge that they cannot have it all

A truly extraordinary article in today’s Weekend Australian – Working mothers, families and the secrets we keep. It’s pay-walled so I will link a...