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Tag: Monica Smit

Do not succumb to the black pill

On Sunday evening I recorded a podcast with The Great One over at the Cynical Libertarian Society; the episode will go up this Friday,...

Monica Smit is free

Monica Smit, the founder of Reignite Democracy Australia, is free. After a hearing yesterday she was released from prison. Crucially, she no longer has...

Monica Smit is an Aussie Legend

Brave anti-lockdown activist Monica Smit was successful in a bail application last week, after she was seemingly followed by Victoria Police in a coordinated...

Monica Smit Refuses to be Silenced: Chooses Jail over Unfair Bail

Yesterday police around Australia launched a coordinated strike against anti-lockdown leaders and livestreamers. Monica Smit, MD of Reignite Democracy was caught in the dragnet,...