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Women’s Work Is Poison!

The National Australia Bank's Independent Schools Survey was released this week and it found that: "Girls were doing old-fashioned "housewife" chores to earn their pocket...

The Cargo Cult of Women’s Sport

Originally published 3/3/2019. During World War Two, while the Yanks and the Japs were wasting time fighting each other when they should have together crushed...

Once women hit 19 they’re officially over the hill

Most of my readers would be familiar with Rollo’s sexual market value graph but for those who haven’t come across it before, here it...

Sarah Hanson-Young really doesn’t like Men – Responding to Feminist Dogma

Sarah Hanson-Young is famous, and not for a good reason.  She recently graced The Age with a hilarious bit of feminist hypocrisy, in which...

A curfew for women: What a great idea

A recent letter to The XYZ was titled "No women allowed out after dark"? What a Totally. Awesome. Idea. I have, quite genuinely, been racking...

News Flash: Men don’t need to learn not to rape

Samuel Medici I am a man living in Melbourne, and contrary to popular opinion, I don’t require lessons on how not to rape or murder....

At this point you just may as well come out as...

Every time I get into my car and drive down the road I assume that every other driver that I encounter is a blithering...

Killing your own spiders – a look a Toxic Female Privilege

March 8th was International Women’s Day, which makes this week a very logical time to discuss Female Privilege, muse on how it came to...

Pass me the white rose

My reaction to the latest mass shooting in the US has been a resounding meh. Apparently local deputies were sent to his home over 30...

Say it with a Picture: Notice to men – don’t read...

In this latest instalment of Say it with a Picture, we examine the subconscious messages delivered to men, by advertisements in public places which...