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Tag: Marxism

Authoritarians and Jews: The Push to Normalize Pedophilia

Originally published at National Justice on September 26, 2020.   In recent years, Jews and Western elites have been subject to popular accusations about their secret desire to molest or...

Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast Ep 27: The Decline of Classical Music

We explore how Classical music was destroyed in the 20th century through the rejection of melody and harmony. I attempt to demonstrate how and...

Identity Politics is Awesome

Originally published February 8, 2018. Seems quite a few people, especially on the right, don’t like “Identity politics” much. Sky commentator and Australian columnist Chris Kenny,...

Italy preparing for Conquest of Gaul

Karl Marx's plan for the globalists to take over the world rested on a simple divide and conquer strategy. It is not a new...

The Red Menace: How China indoctrinates Marxism into our schools and...

David Much has been written on this site on socialism and groups such as Antifa, the Socialist Alternative, Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, and the...

The Primacy of the Story

Karl Marx wanted a philosophy for all of life. Not an abstract philosophical splitting of straws, disconnected from reality, but a comprehensive system of...

Immigration & The susceptibility to Marxist thought

Samuel Medici Before a conversation can be had about Australian immigration - or just about any other topic for that matter - there is a...

XYZ Live #18 – Free Tommy Robinson, Melbourne Protests, Venezuelan Migrant...

David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life were joined again by El Dia Opina to discuss the big events of the last 72 hours. Given we...

In defence of Jordan Peterson, sort of

There’s been lot of talk here lately about Professor Jordan Peterson, and when I say talk I mean repeated criticism. Some of it has...

My Tribute to Anzac Day, Heroism and True Sacrifice

This is some stirring stuff from Matty's Modern Life: "It's past time we stare down evil just as (the ANZAC's) did. We are blessed with...