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Tag: Marine Le Pen

Europe’s “Right Wing” Pledges to Fight Back

Originally published at Patriotic Alternative on 2 July 2021. By the PA News Team. Sixteen broadly right-wing European parties signed a charter on Friday, July 2,...

Second letter from French Generals goes much further than the first

Several days ago The XYZ reported on a letter signed by more than 7600 retired French military personnel including 26 generals, addressed to French...

Quote of the Day: Democracy is a death trap

Way of the World discusses the fact that in Western and northern Europe, whether by apathy or by direct manipulation of the system by...

The French election – nationalism is not a dirty word.

Editor's note: This article was published at a few days ago, but it is telling today in the wake of Macron's win. Via Tim...

Viewer Poll: French Presidential Election

The French people will decide this weekend who will be their new President, Marine Le Pen or Emmanuel Macron. Le Pen represents a clear break...

Quote of the Day: A “she’d be in jail” moment

Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron squared off yesterday in the final Presidential debate in preparation for the poll on May 7. Our friends...

Democracy is for other people

At time of writing, the French presidential elections were about to begin, which means that at time of reading everything is likely to be...

Australian Conservatism is Finished

Last week the Australian senator Cory Bernardi formally resigned from the Liberal party in protest at conservatism having lost its way and the party’s...

The next big thing: French Presidential Election

When we consider the big events of the last year, the year of Western Revolt, three movements spring immediately to mind: Brexit, Trump, and...

The era of peak dissonance is over

Marine Le Pen, whose political party, the National Front, just became the biggest political force in France, is representative of the interests and the...