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Tag: maiden speech

What the hell happened to One Nation? Last year a good bloke recommended a public figure called Emma Eros as a writer for The XYZ. She had an online following, was...

Livestream Interview With Fraser Anning

On Friday we spoke with Fraser Anning of the Katter's Australian Party, who triggered the left on August 14 when in his maiden speech...

XYZ Livestream #30 – Fraser Anning triggers Parliament Snowflakes

Unfortunately Senator Fraser Anning was unable to make it for last night's XYZ Livestream, but we are hoping to do a livestream or recording...

Senator Fraser Anning’s Maiden Speech: Full Transcript

Yesterday, on Tuesday, August 14, Fraser Anning, the Senator for Queensland from the Katter Party, made his maiden speech to parliament. He has made...

A New White Australia Policy: Senator Fraser Anning Makes Maiden Speech

Did the White Australia Policy ever actually kill anybody? How many people were killed as a direct result of the White Australia Policy? When...

Quote of the Day: Migration is in excess of the capacity...

Just days after handing Adam Bandt's backside back to him, and telling the entrenched leftist elite to get stuffed, General Jim Molan has made...

One Nation Senator Lifts the Veil on the Cultural Marxist Agenda

You could have knocked me over with a feather when Donald Trump mentioned the reptilian in the room the other night, illuminating (if you'll...

Quote of the Day: Politicians, do your job

A couple of days ago, in response to the featured meme, which pilloried the Greens who walked out during Pauline Hanson's second maiden speech...