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Tag: Lidia Thorpe

ABC “Fact Check” of Pauline Hanson proves she’s right: Exposes jewish...

Pauline Hanson is successfully mobilising Australians against the “pay the rent” campaign being pushed in conjunction with the all out propaganda assault on the...

Extremist Lidia Thorpe Quits Greens: Joins Black Terrorist Organisation

What a fruitcake. From the Guardian: Victorian senator Lidia Thorpe has announced she is quitting the Greens and will move to the crossbench. Thorpe made the announcement...

Aborigines demand rent so Lidia can buy another motorcycle

They’re really just testing how far they can push: Australian property owners have been urged to start paying a weekly 'rent' tax to  indigenous groups...

Lidia Thorpe Slurs Remembrance Day: Media Silent

Given that Lidia Thorpe is under investigation for potential links to organised crime, you’d think she would want to keep her head down: Let us...

Who betrayed Lidia Thorpe?

It is an axiom of politics that everybody has dirt on everybody. It is expedient to hold onto this dirt as one would an...

Lidia Thorpe BTFO’d over bikie boyfriend

One of Australia’s most odious individuals has well and truly had some comeuppance: Greens senator Lidia Thorpe has resigned as the party’s deputy leader in...

AnAl roped in Shaq because he’s black

A few days ago Prime Minister AnAl wheeled out some cast members from Amazon’s Lord of the Rings’ hack job to flog plans to create...

XYZ Live 4 & 5: Voice to Parliament Overview

In the last two episodes of the rebooted XYZ Live we provided a thorough analysis of the planned referendum on the so-called “voice to...

The War Between Black And White Aboriginals

As predicted, the war between the bush black aboriginal nationalists and the city white aboriginal woke globalists has begun. Jacinta Price, representing black nationalists,...

Attention Whore Lidia Thorpe Black Power Salutes Parliament

There is no mockery I can write here which hasn’t already been said on the internet. And look there... A rare sighting of a 100% genuine...