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Tag: Liberal Party

Josh Frydenberg Refuses to Rein In Dictator Dan

A private member’s bill introduced by Pauline Hanson against vaccine mandates issued by state governments in Victoria, News South Wales and Queensland will dominate...

Christians Banned From SA Liberal Party

By Stuart Menzies A huge scandal has hit the South Australian Liberal party. Its been no secret to XYZ readers that the Libs have been...

The great Australian replacement

Originally published on 16/08/2019. A few weeks ago a vote was held in the Australian Senate on whether or not to present a plebiscite to...

Labor abandons mass immigration policy!

The Golem Kristina Keneally has stirred the big poo pot that is Labor immigration policy and caused a stir by writing an opinion piece in...

Australians, stop voting for your own Genocide

The Golem Do not vote for or support any of the following major political parties. The Australian Labor Party The Australian Liberal Party The Australian...

Stupid Versus Evil

“IN AMERICA, WE have a two-party system,” a Republican congressional staffer is supposed to have told a visiting group of Russian legislators some years...

Right or Economic Liberalism

Liberalism is an economic theory and it states that trade, money and the work force should be free from constraint, able to move around...

Liberalism, What It Is And Why you Should Reject It

Liberalism is the defining political philosophy of our age, it surrounds us and affects every area of our life. Not only is it the...

Sir Robert Menzies – The Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Thirteen

With each episode of Melbourne Traditionalists we tease out a little more of the truth regarding Australia's 20th century history. After a preamble discussing...

Opposing infanticide makes you a nazi in Victoria

On Saturday October 12 the March for the Babies was held in Melbourne to oppose Victoria's horrific abortion laws, which allow an abortion right...