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Tag: immigration ponzi

Australia’s international student ponzi scheme unmasked

From MacroBusiness. Leith van Onselen MB has long questioned the spurious relationship between our universities’ reliance on international student fees and university rankings, which we have...

Quote of the Day: Moochers can pay us to leave

Yesterday Mark Moncrieff proposed paying foreign invaders to leave Australia as a solution to our impending demographic replacement. The final point he made was...

The Truth about Australia’s HUGE Property Bubble

Australia has one of the biggest property bubbles the world has ever seen and it is going to pop eventually. The bigger it gets...

The recession Australia deserves to have

Australia’s housing bubble is on the verge of going pop. The housing bubble is based on a few factors, namely an immigration Ponzi scheme,...

The civil war that we might have to have

This article was originally published at on 16/10/18, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam's books here. Australia’s last economic recession...

Wang Show 0026: I’m not all that wild about Highrise Harry

I actually love skyscrapers. Never had a problem with them. I was always fascinated by Manhattan, and as a Melbournian I am immensely proud...