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Tag: identity politics

“I realised I was a cat when I was 16” Quote...

Some people believe that they were born in the wrong gender. But 20 year old Norwegian woman Nano believes that she was born...

Casual sexism – Now on Freeview

This week in the Cultural Marxist Casual Sexism department, we 'Meet the Freemans' - where dad likes to (think he is) in contol, but...

Say It With A Picture – Stop playing by the left’s...

Here is a snarky headline and a sarcastically chosen photo, seen in The Age a few days ago. If anyone has been in a situation...

XYZ Viewer Polls: The Koran, Turtles, and Donald Duck.

The results of several XYZ Viewer Polls are in, and as usual, the results are revealing. The XYZ has gone to great lengths to differentiate...

Political Correctness Must Fall

Young man from the KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa wins a prestigious scholarship, worth more than AUD $100,000 a year, to study law at...

The death of the university

If you were not completely convinced until now, despite the weight of evidence, the recent attempt to ban Germaine Greer from speaking at Cardiff...

Stand up for Sunday Roasts

Boethius has today shared a piece from the Guardian about family roasts. And while Boethius was characteristically humourous, the Guardian's piece frankly got me...

Political turn-coats come out of the closet over same-sex marriage

I find the movement for same-sex marriage quite an intriguing one. In my undergraduate days in the mid to late 1990s, like my co-editor David...

The birds and the bees

In one of the more bizarre stories I've read in a while, a Melbourne transgender 'man' has reportedly said that he feels 'blessed' to...

Left at the altar

The Sydney Morning Herald, in its usual shrill tone reported from today's march for same-sex marriage: 'Malcolm McPherson is fed up with being left standing...