The ABC of race baiting


Just when you thought things were starting to settle down after the Adam Goodes race saga, ABC ‘journalist’ Liz Foschia thought it would be fun to stoke up the flames of outrage and division.

Foschia was having a nice lunch at Canberra’s Hyatt Hotel on Friday (wow – the ABC’s journalists obviously aren’t doing too bad) and happened to notice a mistake on the menu card.

Rather than discretely alerting the hotel staff about the potentially embarrassinABC of race bailtingg typo as most people would do, Foschia thought it better to let the hotel know, as well as the rest of the world, via Twitter.

Now of course, Foschia wouldn’t have gone to such lengths if it had been a rudimentary error.

It was because the hotel had displayed:

“Grilled Moroccan Aborigine and Rocket Salad”. Obviously, what they meant to say was, “Aubergine”.

Now, I can’t really blame the staff for this spelling error, since schools are so focused at the moment on preaching identity politics, rather than teaching kids how to spell and add up. I myself suffered under this educational regime, and with even one and a half masters degrees, I still can’t spell.

But back to the ABC and Liz Foschia.

This is the kind of ambulance chasing, faux-issue creating, gutter journalism that one might expect from the most hysterical right-wing shock jocks, if not the dreaded Murdoch media.

Rather than real journalism, people like Liz Foschia are more concerned about shameless self-promotion, and using race (not because she particularly cares about Aborigines) to hit the Hyatt Hotel and people she doesn’t like with a big stick of self-righteousness.

Instead of real journalism, our taxes are paying for the ABC and the likes of Liz Foschia to create a race issue out of a typo, and to bait, and cultivate hurt, ill feeling and division in the Australian community.

It’s their ABC.