Home Tags Homosexuals

Tag: homosexuals

The Proxy Warriors for the Oligarchs

“Homosexuals are proxy warriors for the oligarchs.” He might still be a Catholic, but E. Michael Jones is right when he says that. The oligarchy...

Jesus is right about salvation and the homos

Islam has clear instruction on what to do with the homos: They prescribe the death penalty, this is an indisputable part of the Muslim religion...

XYZ Live #96 – Naughty British Labour and the Israel Folau...

Scandal has stuck the British Labour Party barely days out from the general election, with revelations of the deep anti-semitism which infests this vile...

The Uncuckables Ep. 38: Did Someone Say 8 Million?

On Thursday night, the Dusty Bogan joined David Hiscox of The XYZ and Tim Wilms of the Unshackled. We discussed the disgusting new KFC...

Raelene Castle wants four more years to destroy Australian Rugby

Raelene Castle had so much fun forcing a bunch of Pacific Islanders to accept that the anus is a sexual organ that she wants...

E. Michael Jones Interview: Ethnos Needs Logos

Here is an interview Matty's Modern Life conducted with E. Michael Jones a couple of weeks ago. They discussed Jews, Homosexuals, Christianity and Ethnic...

Israel Folau’s fight is a class action for all Christians

The social justice rage mob is so insidious because what they can do to one person sends a message to an entire people. These...

Israel Folau is suing the living crap out of Rugby Australia

Rugby Australia is about to find out that anti-Christian bigotry comes at a cost. $10 million dollars to be precise. From Dumped rugby star Israel...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 8 Election Goes to Hell

It was a big episode last night. Neil Erikson came in and had a rigorous discussion with James Fox Higgins over whether it is...

Israel Folau did Nothing Wrong!

Rugby Australia recently dumped Israel Folau because he posted a meme and quoted the Bible. It hasn’t gone down well with the public but...