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Tag: Gun control

Words Or Swords: Make Your Choice

You change minds with words, or you change minds with swords, there is no third option, and there is no way around this dilemma,...

Dick Ears Dan Bans Guns

Gun control is not about controlling guns, it has never been about controlling guns, it will never be about controlling guns. It is always...

US mass shootings an escalation of political and ethnic conflict

It is curious that after a period of several days when an extremist leftist and an anti-white terrorist committed seperate mass murders and a...

Livestream #65 – Fraser Anning Cronulla 3.0 and Dogs Bark in...

Main topics from last night: How the lying media have attempted to portray the self defensive actions taken by a Fraser Anning supporter aginst...

The REAL Problem with Guns in Australia

In 1996 after a tragedy at Port Arthur, the Australian government passed some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. The goal was...

Gun Ownership, Responsible Border Control, Abortion & Sinless Spheres

The other day I commented on a post put up by a friend, who was applauding the increasing number of people supporting DACA “dreamers”...

Your Government Hates You

Recently, it has emerged that there were not one, but four lily-livered police officers waiting outside that school in Florida during the shooting. They...

XYZ Livestream #4 – Gun Control after Florida, Barnaby Joyce, Emma...

In this FAQ Livestream, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life discussed: The Florida school shooting, making the case against using the tragedy to push...

Gun Controls Hopeless in Japan’s Worst Mass Killing Since WWII

Japan's has just suffered its worst mass killing in decades, and not a single shot was fired. Nineteen people have been killed and at least...

It’s About Gun Control: Except When it’s Not

By Eh?Nonymous You may be thinking that this article concerns the pros and cons of gun control. It doesn't. I'm more concerned with left-wing media...